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Historian K. Ross Toole: “Before the emigrant’s wagon ever rolled a mile, before the miner found his first color, before the government authorized a single road or trail, this inhospitable land had been traversed and mapped” by folks in the fur business.
On this Inauguration Day, it’s worth noting that the man who delivered the longest inaugural address in American history also presided over the shortest presidency. If there’s any lesson there, it might be this: keep it short and sweet.
If DOGE can accomplish what Dodge accomplished, we too may experience a new American economic miracle. The difference a Detroit banker made in three countries—Germany, Japan and the U.S.
The Polish experience proves once again that the “tonic” of capitalism is the best antidote to the “poison” of socialism. It was a powerful medicine, but the patient was close to death. After all, you don't prescribe chicken soup for cancer.
When the bad guys hate you, you must be doing something right: The Story of Cardinal Mindszenty.
About Lawrence W. Reed
Lawrence W. (“Larry”) Reed became president of FEE in 2008 after serving as chairman of its board of trustees in the 1990s and both writing and speaking for FEE since the late 1970s. Prior to becoming FEE’s president, he served for 21 years as president of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy in Midland, Michigan. He also taught economics full-time from 1977 to 1984 at Northwood University in Michigan and chaired its department of economics from 1982 to 1984.
A champion for liberty, Reed has authored nearly 2,000 newspaper columns and articles and dozens of articles in magazines and journals in the United States and abroad. He has visited 87 countries.