Why does this evil stuff happen increasingly? In large measure because big government and bad government go hand-in-hand. The bigger it is, the more rotten it becomes, the more that shameless, power-drunk dirtbags flock to it in order to use its power to dictate to the rest of us. As I've written elsewhere (see https://bit.ly/2xBuoaG), you're blowing smoke if you think you can have both big government and good government at the same time.
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With All Due Respect to a Certain Ex-Football Player
The Mirage of Democratic Socialism →
An “alternative history” that powerfully confronts the inherent flaws and contradictions of democratic socialism, by Kristian Niemietz of London’s Institute of Economic Affairs. A must-read!
Read MoreAnimated Map: 2,400 Years of European History →
The history of Europe is breathtakingly complex. While there are rare exceptions like Andorra and Portugal, which have had remarkably static borders for hundreds of years, jurisdiction over portions of the continent’s landmass has changed hands innumerable times.
Read MoreDid France's Gun Control Hinder Resistance to Nazis? →
Gun control “is certainly useful to oppressors” — Robert Verbruggen in National Review.
Read MoreDo Socialists Really Mean Well? →
The desire to bring more and more of human life under the purview of political control is inhumane. Politics makes us worse, no better. Excellent piece here by Grant Babcock.
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Socialism—An Idea Whose Time Came and Went, About 6,000 Years Ago
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Socialists Out for a Nice Drive →
Photo: Two leftists enjoying a little time off from seizing private property, concentrating power, planning the economy, raising taxes, imposing regulations, offering free stuff and redistributing other people's money.
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