Raczyński revealed in terrifying detail what the Nazis were doing—the creation of ghettoes, the forced labor, the gas chambers, the starvation, the torture, the mass executions.
Read MoreSocialism: Science or Cyanide? →
Why do socialism/communism produce mayhem on an industrial scale?
Read MoreMaybe Blaine County Needs a New Name →
Millions of veterans have utilized the G.I. Bill and no one ever told them they couldn’t go to colleges run by Baptists, Presbyterians, Catholics, or whatever. The resulting choice and competition has been good for everybody.
Read MoreAbolish the Department of Kudzu →
Only a government agency can get away with a half-century of failure. A private operation with a similar record as the DoE would have filed for bankruptcy long ago.
Read MoreThe Republic of What? →
Micro-nations are fascinating, regardless of what other governments may think of them.
Read MoreCleveland & Coolidge: Two Presidents Who Got It Right -- Delivered in Wichita, Kansas, on November 8, 2024
Models of character, these two great men sought to do what was right whether it was politically popular or not.
Read MoreWho Was Joe Overton of Overton Window Fame? →
While the Overton Window concept is valuable and appealing, the man behind it deserves to be remembered every bit as much.
Read MoreAlbert Gallatin and the Extraordinary Free Trade Convention of 1831 →
With the outcome of the Free Trade Convention of 1831, Albert Gallatin cemented his record as one of early America’s most eloquent defenders of freedom of commerce.
Read MoreUnleashing the Sun, a New, Free eBook from FEE on Japanese history →
With essays by Stephen Davies, Toshio Murata, Hiroshi Yoshida, Tyler Curtis and me.
Read MoreJefferson's Embargo →
Jefferson’s 1807 Embargo went against everything Albert Gallatin stood for, but was it worth resigning over?
Do You Know the Ten Cannots? →
What a difference for the better these truths would make if every citizen took them to heart and lived up to them! Think about it.
Read MoreAlbert Gallatin, America's Swiss Founding Father →
Despite issuing nearly $15 million in bonds for the Louisiana Purchase, he still managed to slash the national debt by half in little more than a decade.
Read MoreCasimir Pulaski, Hero of Both Poland and America →
The "Father of the American Cavalry," Pulaski should be remembered for all time.
Read MoreTwo Poles Every American Should Know →
What they did for America left a deep impression on me and began a lifelong appreciation for Poland and things Polish.
Read MoreThe Full Interview with John Papola, posted 8/15/24 →
A video interview you will want to share with your socialist friends.
Read MoreA New Book From "The Man" Down Under →
Having known Ron Manners now for almost half of his life and for more than half of my own, I can honestly say he’s a model of perseverance.
Read MorePoverty, Government, and More -- An Interview (8/6/24) on SBTV →
Big Government + Bad People = Tyranny and Poverty
Read MoreThe Man Who Ended the Tyranny of Sparta →
This man was a warrior-philosopher, a revolutionary, an ascetic, a statesman and diplomat, a liberator, and a military genius.
Read MoreThe "Jesus Was a Socialist" Heresy →
When Jesus was asked to redistribute wealth, he responded, "Who made me a judge or divider over you?" Recorded in May 2024 for John Papola's "Dad Saves America" podcast.
Read MoreA Terrible Idaho Injustice from 40 Years Ago →
Unless you think children belong to the State, this real-life tragedy should terrify you.
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