“The tragedy is that Democratic Socialists are blind to both logic and history as they try once again to peddle to the public an experiment that has already failed far too often” — Richard Epstein.
Read MoreRose Wilder Lane: Writer, Journalist, Rugged Individualist →
Rose Wilder Lane is an often-overlooked figure who lies at the heart of modern American politics.
Read MoreFEE's Influence in Brazil is Amazing, and Growing Fast! →
“We are witnessing in our day nothing less than the liberation of millions of Brazilian minds” — Rafael Ribeiro.
Read MoreSocialist Caravan Headed for Venezuela (satire) →
The refugees have complex motivations, but the vast majority simply want to see everything socialism has to offer after suffering the amazing benefits of capitalism for too long.
Read MoreThe World's Most Competitive Economy →
The bottom line is that there’s a very meaningful link between economic liberty and national prosperity — Dan Mitchell.
Read MoreCivil Liberties and Socialism Don't Mix →
“Capitalism and liberal democracy are far from perfect, but they do allow room for what John Stuart Mill called ‘experiments in living,’ where socialists, libertarians, and everyone else in between can pursue their idea of the good life. And that's a society worth defending from the reactionaries who out of ignorance or malice call themselves freedom fighters” — Matthew Harwood at Reason.com.
Read MoreWhen the Bubble Bursts... →
“Bulls are right until the moment they're wrong, and so far during the Trump presidency they have a far better track record than the bears. But what happens when the music finally stops?” asks Matt Walsh at Reason.com.
Read MoreThe Five Most Important Guns in American History →
Some fascinating history here from David Harsanyi.
Read MoreCurrency and the Collapse of the Roman Empire →
Rising prices are not inflation. They are one of many consequences of the inflation itself, which is the debasement and multiplication of money.
Read MoreThe Minimum Wage and Maximum Nonsense →
Check out this short but excellent video on the minimum wage.
Read MoreAL BORE on Climate Change →
You’d have to be a moron to buy this fraud’s stuff.
Read MoreRun, Hillary, Run! →
Why is this crook not behind bars?
Read MoreWhat Would Adam Smith Think? →
Sue. Them. All. →
In the face of unfounded and heinous accusations lodged against Kavanaugh and the ongoing 24/7 media frenzy republishing the accusations ad nauseam, it is okay for the Judge to be angry and emotional.
Read MoreThe Tragedy of Socialism in Venezuela →
Socialism specializes in dead-ends and one-way traffic.
Read MoreBusiness & Government = Fire and Ice →
“Those who seek a free and prosperous society should thus spurn the notion of the government emulating a business—and embrace the efficiency of the market, instead” — Michael Rieger.
Read MoreSocialism's Irony Law →
No matter what your end, no matter what you don’t like about private property and trade, if you push socialism and “succeed,” you end up with poverty, terror, and death — Paul Jacob.
Read MoreStanding Up to Tyranny →
The work and sacrifices of Czech dissident Václav Benda exemplify dedication to liberty — by Daniel J. Mahoney.
Read MoreNobody Wins When Socialism Prevails →
“The Left’s failure to denounce socialism is a slap in the face to the many American immigrants who suffered under socialist regimes before escaping” — Viraktep Ath.
Read MoreThe Price-Gouging Bogeyman →
“Students, among the first to criticize the ‘greedy profiteers,’ feel no pressure from the consequences of anti-gouging laws” — Jessica Schultz.
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