Most Americans aren’t fools. They know the Democrats didn’t lift a finger on waste, fraud and abuse when they could have. But it’s worse than that.
Read MoreThe Jig is Up
The Jig is Up
By Lawrence W. Reed
What’s with all the weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth from Democrats in Washington?
Every effort to expose and eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse in the government elicits shrill squeals of panic and profanity. It’s as if they’re all on the Jeffrey Epstein client list and know they’re about to be found out.
When pressed by an honest journalist asking, “What’s wrong with exposing and eliminating waste, fraud, and abuse?”, embarrassed Democrats reply, “Oh nothing, we’re all in favor of that!” before launching into a psychotic rage that it’s actually happening.
Most Americans aren’t fools. They know the Democrats didn’t lift a finger on the issue when they could have. Oblivious to a monstrous national debt, they always shovel as much of other people’s money out the door as they possibly can and claim it’s still not enough. They say they’re for transparency and then file lawsuits to prevent it.
The revelations since January 20 are a long-overdue wake-up call. It’s more evident with each passing day that Democrat leaders are soiling their collective pants over waste, fraud, and abuse because they’re up to their eyeballs in it.
Two examples: Disgraced New Jersey Senator Robert “Gold Bar Bob” Menendez funneled your money and his influence to friends in Egypt and the U.S. in exchange for bullion, cash, and a Mercedes. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island pushed $7 million of your money into his wife’s “nonprofit” climate scams. Both Democrats.
And here in Georgia, no matter how hard we try we cannot forget the election-denying con artist and race hustler Stacey Abrams. One of her flimflam operations got busted in January and slapped with the biggest fine for illegal campaign activities in the state’s history. Another one she’s involved with as an energy consultant (did you know she’s an expert on energy?) received a whopping $2 billion from the Biden administration a few months ago.
Some Republicans over the years have been on the take too, and I don’t mean to let them slide. So why am I focusing on Democrats? They’re screaming the loudest right now, but there’s a bigger reason.
Big Government is their shtick. They love it. They built it. They swim in it. They buy votes with it. Then they lie and tell everybody, “Oh, it’s all for you. It’s for the children. It’s the compassionate thing to do. The other party wants to push Granny off the cliff because they’re heartless. They’re for the rich while we’re for the poor” as they leave office far richer than when they entered it. Democrat leadership knows that uncovering waste, fraud, and abuse means revealing what a self-serving racket their bloated Big Government slush fund really is. That’s why they covered up the Biden influence-peddling scheme that Hunter’s laptop revealed.
Folks, this is how the Big Government Scam works: Pose as public benefactors by robbing Peter to pay Paul. Stereotype and vilify Peter while you’re doing it. Ensure that people become dependent on government spending as you rake off your cut and benefit your friends. Remind the voters how much you “care.” Pay no attention to the debt you’re burdening future generations with.
So now you know. The jig is up.